Saturday, November 21, 2009

Ski School...Need I Say More?

Just in case you missed it, Ski School now has a fantastic new and updated DVD cover that is quite attractive, check it out!!


Master Reid said...

Does this mean the bootleg, French Canadian, Ski School DVD, that I bought off ebay 5 years ago, when no one in their right mind would've considered going to the trouble to put this movie on DVD is no longer valid?

You are a Baffoon said...

Yes Reid you need to update your portfolio of Ski School DVD's and/or memorabilia. I expect that this is purchased by the stroke of midnight central time or else!! Keep your tips up!!!

Sheets' Va Jay Jay said...

I bought this about two years ago or so when it came out. The thing that sucks about it, unless they updated it, was that it was only in Full Screen. The case said Wide Screen but it was all a lie. I wanted to cry. I did some research on the interwebs and it turned out they were all like this. Damn you, Hollywood!