Friday, July 31, 2009

Watching Movies Made

I'm sitting here in my new office, ground level on Market St. facing City Hall, watching the new movie No God, No Master being made right outside our doors. There are 1920 era cars parked all along City Hall that have been brought in on trucks all morning. There are ladies walking around in long dresses and big hats, and dudes in suspenders and knickers. I don't know what that has to do with anything, but it's pretty damn cool watching this transpire right in front of me. This is the 2nd time I've bumped into this flick, which is apparently being shot entirely in Milwaukee. I ran into the other day over in the Brady & Farwell area as well.

This has been a little less publicized than the Johnny Depp, gangster flick, Public Enemies, but it does sound like it has a little more promise in terms of quality. (Note: I have not seen Public Enemies, but I have not heard good things) In this movie, the MKE is being used to recreate late teens New York City. And the film is centered around a federal agent that is caught up in the world of the post WWI Red Scare, and the violence came with it. It stars David Strathairn who was in Good Night and Good Luck as well as the Bourne Movies.

I don't have much insight, other than "this is pretty damn cool." Especially for a history dork like myself. For a little more insight, check out this article.


Rubie Q said...

"Public Enemies" was excellent ... except for that part where it didn't have a plot.

Devil's Threesome said...

I'm a total loser for not posting this stuff earlier. They were filming it on my street last week. My mom called and asked what was new and she was completely dumbfounded when I told her they were filming a movie on my street. I hung out on the porch, drank a Shiner and watched it in my white v-neck t-shirt. Note to everyone: watching a movie being filmed is slightly more exciting than the WNBA.

Master Reid said...

They're filming some sort of big civil unrest/riot scene today. There's a bunch of people battling with the cops and getting beat on with billy clubs and shit. It's awesome.

I really do think this could be a cool movie. It's an interesting setting/topic, from a time period that doesn't get a lot of attention. There's plenty of 20s/30s gangster movies out there. This is something different and I think that's intriguing. Again...
Reid = Dork

Devil's Threesome said...

I'm with you Reid. It sounds fascinating, plus I could see K-Street on film!